Simple Flash Game for Rhythm Recognition and Note Reading Training during Quarantine/Lockdowns/Restricted Movement Music Lessons

This is a rather painful period for many educators I know, music or not. We do care for our student’s welfare and education. Teachers around are doing the best they can to juggle #stayathome life while diving into this this world of online learning. If I can say one thing, it is “Hang in there!… Continue reading Simple Flash Game for Rhythm Recognition and Note Reading Training during Quarantine/Lockdowns/Restricted Movement Music Lessons

Don’t Ditch Your Metronomes Yet! – Build Your Piano Performance Speed with Drum Beats

Of late, I find piano playing a bit challenging as I seldom have to play fast paced pieces like I did in my youth (gasp!). Drawing inspiration from last year’s Casio conference, I decided to incorporate drum beats into my practice of classical pieces. Frankly, it’s a whole lot more musical and fun rather than… Continue reading Don’t Ditch Your Metronomes Yet! – Build Your Piano Performance Speed with Drum Beats

How to notate music on iPad for free

Recently I was transcribing some melodies to help me remember church music better. I didn’t want to carry a piece of manuscript around when I go for practices. I’m afraid I will lose it and I’m not in a habit of carrying a manuscript book everywhere I go. Since I have my iPad, I was… Continue reading How to notate music on iPad for free