Music Pitch: High Sounds & Low Sounds

The following lesson on music pitch is suitable for KS1 and maybe KS2 if they have no exposure to it at all. I started off giving students a vocal experience by teaching them the Rent chant. I have modified some of the words to make it rhyme better.   Villain[low voice]: You must pay the… Continue reading Music Pitch: High Sounds & Low Sounds

On Screen Piano Tutorial: Count On Me

The newly updated iOS 11 on iPad is a much wanted feature and I think many music educators can celebrate it. Due to the chords topic for my KS3 students, I needed a good recording style for piano tutorial. This feature has helped a lot in doing so. I further recorded my voice when I… Continue reading On Screen Piano Tutorial: Count On Me

Music Game: What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?

I learned this game from the Wee Sing series. It only came with instructions on how to play. Pick a student to be Mr Wolf and the other students will be the farm animals. Place Mr Wolf and the farm animals on opposite ends of the room. The farm animals will approach Mr Wolf by… Continue reading Music Game: What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?