The Rhythm Randomizer – Using it to generate flashcards!

The Rhythm Randomizer is a free website that generates rhythm patterns based on presets like meter and note value. For music educators, this website is useful in the classroom and studio setting when teaching practical or theoretical applications of rhythm patterns. In the video below, you will find a tutorial on how you can create… Continue reading The Rhythm Randomizer – Using it to generate flashcards!

The Rhythm Randomizer

Music Matters really is a huge archive of wonderful resource for music teachers. I found this awesome tool for rhythm development called the Rhythm Randomizer. Here’s a sneak peek and quick (non-instructional) video on how it works. See also Among Us Rhythm Activity Idea What is Rhythm Randomizer? The Rhythm Randomizer website is a simple… Continue reading The Rhythm Randomizer

Practice Sheet Generator for Music Lessons

More piano lesson tools I found and this one is one piano practice. Archieved in this site: , I found this practice sheet generator. It looks so cool and crazy at the same time! It’s so inspiring that there are educators out there, making the extra mile for their students. Here is a sample… Continue reading Practice Sheet Generator for Music Lessons