Don’t Ditch Your Metronomes Yet! – Build Your Piano Performance Speed with Drum Beats

Of late, I find piano playing a bit challenging as I seldom have to play fast paced pieces like I did in my youth (gasp!). Drawing inspiration from last year’s Casio conference, I decided to incorporate drum beats into my practice of classical pieces. Frankly, it’s a whole lot more musical and fun rather than… Continue reading Don’t Ditch Your Metronomes Yet! – Build Your Piano Performance Speed with Drum Beats

Must Have Music Apps on Your Android or iOS Device for Music Teachers and Students

  If you’re a music student or teacher, you should have some basic apps that will help make your life easier. I use specific open source apps for some time now and all have different purposes. smartChord (Android) If you play general stringed instruments like acoustic guitar and ukulele, you will find this app most… Continue reading Must Have Music Apps on Your Android or iOS Device for Music Teachers and Students

What can I do with my music pitch flash cards?

1. Memory Game 1: For this game, it will useful to have the flash card printed only on one side and the other side is blank. Lay out the cards on a table face down, arranged at random. Student will open two cards at time and try to pair notes of the same pitch. Eg.… Continue reading What can I do with my music pitch flash cards?