Of late, I find piano playing a bit challenging as I seldom have to play fast paced pieces like I did in my youth (gasp!). Drawing inspiration from last year’s Casio conference, I decided to incorporate drum beats into my practice of classical pieces. Frankly, it’s a whole lot more musical and fun rather than the default metronome sounds or clicks. I find it enjoyable at the slower speeds as some drumming nuance in between the down beats are played. I think it makes one more sensitive to the accuracy of rhythm and tempo.
This is easily done when you have a digital piano. What if you don’t? Don’t look too far my friends as there is always Youtube and Spotify!
Type ‘drum loops’ into Youtube’s search engine and you’ll find tonnes of resources. It might be harder to find specific tempos but I think they’re a good start.

Do the same if you have a Spotify account.

Piano playing should never be chore. Make it fun!
Very creative and helpful idea. If you have sequencer software with loops, you can use a drum loop to practice with. As the musician becomes more advanced, polyrhythms between the piano (or other instrument) and the drum loop can be introduced.
most definitely! anything to make the music learning seamless and enjoyable